Daily Gospel reflections: Trusting God’s promise to us

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Both Abraham and Jesus stepped out in faith when God called. Abraham left his homeland and everything that was familiar, trusting that God would bring him safely to his journey’s end, wherever that might be. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus surrendered his life into the Father’s hands.

We, too, are called to trust God, but how can we? We must start by appreciating what God has promised. The key to God’s covenant was God’s promise to Abraham. Abraham, who seemed destined to die without an heir, became the father of countless descendants filling the earth. The same is true of Jesus, through whom all are heirs to everlasting life. Ultimately, all we can rely on is God’s promise. There is nothing that we cannot overcome with divine help. That is God’s promise.

Lord, I believe your promise — help me to overcome the doubts that often trouble me.

— Fr. Anthony Schueller, SSS


Genesis 17:3-9

Psalm 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

John 8:51-59

EDITOR’S NOTE: During the COVID-19 outbreak, Catholic Digest is offering daily Gospel reflections from our sister publication, Living With Christ. Additional resources from our parent company, Bayard, Inc., are available here:

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Fresco of Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, by Josef Kastner, circa early 20th century. Photo: Renata Sedmakova/Shutterstock
AbrahamFr. Anthony Schueller SSSJesusJesus and AbrahamJohn 8:51-59LentLiving with Christ
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