When I read these first chapters of Luke’s Gospel, I can’t help but compare and contrast. On the one hand, there’s Zechariah — John the Baptist’s father — being struck mute in the temple, a grand, glorious place where only a few could encounter God in a hidden, privileged center.
And to the north, a young, unknown woman in a backwater held in contempt by anyone who bothered to think about it, was being touched by God. That moment was hidden, too, but would soon become anything but, as this young woman’s son announced the Good News of salvation for all — and the temple veil was split as he announced this same Good News with the shedding of his blood.
Mary asked it, but I can’t help but ask it in another sense. How can this be? Who are we that God loves us — all of us — so?
— Amy Welborn
Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10
Psalm 40:7-8A, 8B-9, 10, 11
Hebrews 10:4-10
Luke 1:26-38
EDITOR’S NOTE: During the COVID-19 outbreak, Catholic Digest is offering daily Gospel reflections from our sister publication, Living With Christ. Additional resources from our parent company, Bayard, Inc., are available here:
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