Daily Prayer: Lord God, the world is full of tribulations

Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Lord God, the world is full of tribulations. Let us not beget more violence in this world, but rather bring such things to an end. Engender in us not hatred and grudges, but forgiveness and sacrifice, that the wrongs of this world may be laid to rest in anticipation of a better world yet to come. Create in us, O God, the humility to face the struggles of this world, to accept them humbly, and the strength to see them pass into history. Amen.


1 Kings 21:1-16

Psalms 5:2-3AB, 4B-6A, 6B-7

Matthew 5:38-42

Daily PrayerMonday of the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary TimePrayer
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