About Catholic Digest

Since 1936, the stories in Catholic Digest have demonstrated that a life guided by faith can be exciting, challenging, enlivening, and joyous. While the print edition of the magazine is no longer being published, as of the summer of 2020, the articles you’ll read on CatholicDigest.com contain meaningful ways to connect faith with everyday life. Catholic Digest is owned and published by Bayard U.S.

Mission Statement

Catholic Digest connects with readers through personal stories of triumphs and struggles, joys and challenges, and also the lighter side of Catholic living. We are a source of support and encouragement for those who love their faith, those who struggle with their faith, and those who long to learn more about the richness of Catholic tradition.

We seek the positive in the world and in our Church. We emphasize those things that Catholics are doing right and well as a means of inspiring and encouraging others to do the same. We are hope-filled, optimistic, and forward-looking.

We highlight the goodness and beauty of God’s creation and the truths of His Church. We find abundant joy in Catholic living and aim to express that joy through inspiring words, images, and ideas.

We move our readers beyond inspiration and toward action. We give Catholics the information, tools, and resources they need to answer God’s call to holiness and bring the light of Christ to others.

Catholic life is both uniquely joyful and uniquely challenging. At Catholic Digest, we invite all to join us as we encourage and support one another in the joyful, challenging, important work of faith and family living.

About Bayard

Bayard is a Catholic global communications ministry with more than 100 periodicals in Europe, Africa, Asia, and America. The Catholic congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption has been Bayard’s unique shareholder for the past 130 years.

Bayard U.S. has three divisions: 1) Bayard Magazine Group – New London, CT, which publishes Living with Christ, and Exploring the Sunday Readings; 2) Twenty-Third Publications – New London, CT, which publishes books, programs, and multimedia for pastors, parish staff and pastoral leaders and 3) Creative Communications for the Parish – St. Louis, MO, which publishes Living Faith magazine and other devotional resources as well as products that enhance liturgical worship for both Catholic and Protestant parishes.

For more information, visit www.bayard-inc.com and bayardfaithresources.com